Friday, January 16, 2009

Nate "Destroyer" Adams gets Destroyed

Nate Adams recently had the opportunity to race his first AMA Supercross in the Lites class. While you may know Nate for his crazy backflips and huge tricks, racing has been in the back of his mind since he was a young kid. Nate looked smooth on the technical track and had competitive lap times to make it into the night program, but things unfortunately did not go to plan.

You recently had the opportunity to fulfill one of your life time goals of racing an AMA Supercross — how did it feel to finally be out there?

I rode press day the Thursday before the race and I felt great. The whole thing was awesome and a fun experience — to finally be out on the track after two months of preparation and years of thinking about it. I felt great and I was confident that I was going to qualify into the night program. I was having a blast and it's a bummer that one mistake left me with a broken wrist.

What exactly happened out there?

I did my first two timed qualifier laps at 70-80% to look at the track and see how the lines had changed since practice. Then I started putting in fast laps. I got about two fast laps in and came into the first whoop section before the first corner. I must have missed a shift before entering them because I was hitting them in 5th gear and I had to downshift three times to 2nd gear for the corner to hit the triple. I came out of the corner and was in first. I didn't realize it till I was on the lip of the triple and the motor ran out of grunt. I cased the triple really hard. I didn't even go down, but I broke my wrist - it was over that quick. The lap times I set before my crash had me in a qualifying spot. It sucked.

What bones did you break in your wrist and how long will you be out for?

I should be out for 2 months. I broke my radius clean through and dislocated the Ulna. I am having surgery to have a plate put on the radius and a pin put in the ulna.

Will we see Nate Adams racing a supercross again?

Oh my gosh — joking aside, I came really close to breaking down after I broke my wrist. I shed a little bit of a tear. It was definitely a heart breaker for me. I prepared so much for this race. I think I was more prepared for Anaheim 1 then I was for X Games or any FMX event for that matter. There were a lot of years of thought and motivation going into this. I have wanted to do this for a long time and to have a silly little mistake cost me qualifying was hard. It was a surreal moment and I was in denial for like 5 minutes about what had just happened. As of right now I am pissed. I am more motivated than before and I'm hungry. You will definitely see me at Anaheim 1 next year.

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