Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Off Season - 1 minute with Twitch

How does someone who is used to such an exciting lifestyle stay entertained when contest season is over?
ESPN caught up with Jeremy "Twitch" Stenberg to see what he has been up this winter.

It's cold, rainy and windy this time of year. This isn't what you would call ideal conditions for FMX. What do FMX athletes do during the off-season?

I don't know what everyone else does, but I have been chilling since the second week in October, after I won LG. I started to get ready for Dubai X Games, but that was canceled. Once that was canceled I didn't have any motivation to ride my motorcycle other then shoveling jumps in the hills to hit. I've really only gotten to do that for a week, so hopefully it rains more around here soon. Other then that I have been riding 110's everyday. I built some sick trails at my house and they're a lot of fun to ride. I've been driving RC cars here and there and I went to both Anaheim SX races. I've actually spent a lot of the time out at the beach with Nate and my buddy Balcon. We got a beach house on the water.

How is life in the new beach house?

It's great. It is real easy to get caught up in the life out there. Temecula sucks in the summer time and when us FMX riders have nothing to do in the off-season. I said screw it. I might as well be by the beach and just chill, relax and enjoy it. When you chill out here [Temecula], you can't really enjoy it. We are out here so much that all you want to do is ride. It doesn't feel like you actually get a break from anything. When you get away from here you are like, ok, vacation. At the beach it feels like a vacation. I am definitely amped on the house.

Twitch set the tone for the day at Fitzpatrick's house by flipping the massive 130 foot ramp jump. He was the only rider that day to flip this jump. Twitch hasn't ridden much lately and is now motivated to start riding everyday.

We had a new President inducted into office on Tuesday. How do you feel about President Obama?

From what I have been reading and hearing about in the Bible, I think he is the Anti-Christ. We will have to wait and see what happens in the next four years, whether or not world blows up and everything comes to an end. I've never voted before, but after this election I am going to start... if we are still alive by the time his term is up.

Ok, enough serious talk. What music have you been bumping lately?

What have I been bumping? Let's see, I have been listening to a little Atmosphere, always some Lil' Wayne and Big Tymers. I'm a Hip Hop dude. I love Rock and all that, but I'm mainly into Hip Hop. I'm just bumping what I know fool!


  1. Do you hate poeple who HATER on you and what do you do bout it?

  2. i love mx and fmx 125 broke working on but this weather is making me pissed it is so warm. twitch you put down some of the most amazing tricks ever i chill with mike adair who rides for the edge crew or somthin like that. i have to go bring in my money to fix my bike. canada is the shit ride for good here piece out

    1986 kx 125 from canada

  3. hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii :D
    my name is summer :p
    &&&&, i fucking love twitch <33333

    xoxo $-breeeezy
